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Keep In Mind

Every safari road-trip is unique and therefore unpredictable, so try not to stress about the things you cannot control.
Sometimes you won't see much (this is nature and everything must happen naturally), sometimes you'll see a lot, sometimes the drive will take longer than expected, and sometimes it will be tougher than expected.
Be prepared for a warm or cold day, for windy or sunny day, and mostly for rough African roads. This is most common when on a wildlife safari or game drive in the park and it's always an amazing experience.

Dos and Don'ts

Follow the safety rules.
It is always simple; the rules are there for a good reason.
Animals are very well camouflaged and often you won't see them until it's too late to stay in the safari van during the game drive.
Don't approach the elephants too closely, don't make noise, keep your hands and your camera inside the car and never stand between the hippo and the water.
In fact, hippos are very aggressive and are the most dangerous African animals after mosquitoes, so you should not upset them.


All safaris can be customized to suit travellers on a budget or travellers looking for something a bit more luxurious.
Numerous accommodation options are provided throughout our safaris, ranging from Budget, Moderate to high end luxurious lodges.
However short or long the duration of your holiday, whatever the style of your trip and wherever your choice of destination takes you, your holiday can benefit from a little bit of money management.
We have accommodation ranging from larger safari hotels or resorts to smaller, more exclusive lodges.

Our Safari Experiences